Seeking, Sharing, Serving

Wallington United Reformed Church is a worshipping, witnessing community, faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We seek to be Christ-like, eager to share the gospel and committed to serving others.

  • We seek to be a welcoming fellowship, encouraging Christian commitment and reflecting the love of God in Jesus.
  • We seek to be witnesses to the gospel, in work and deed, wherever God places us.
  • We seek to develop our ministry and our vocations in the wider world, and we affirm that healing and wholeness will continue to have a special place in our church's life.
  • We seek to provide a variety of opportunities for fellowship, prayer and spiritual development, growing in Christian faith and love.
  • We seek to involve people of all ages and background, and will continually improve communication within the life of our church.
  • We seek to respond to the needs of our church community.
  • We seek to promote the healing aspects of our church.
  • We seek to be aware of the needs and issues arising in our local community and respond to them in co-operation with other churches.
  • We seek to support the needs of the wider community, nationally and internationally, by personal involvement, prayer and practical action.

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