Services at Wallington URC

All are welcome to join us for worship, to celebrate and explore our Christian faith together.

Our main weekly service of worship is held at 10.30 every Sunday morning. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month, to which all, including children, are invited and do take part. After the service, we gather for a time of fellowship, during which tea and coffee are served - on the second and fourth Sundays, Traidcraft fair-trade goods are usually available for sale.

As a congregation, we enjoy being a part of and sharing in a wide variety of styles and forms of worship, and lay involvement in our services is a common feature. We have an excellent organist and a small dedicated choir who share in our worship each week.

Mid-week meditations and prayer services are held at various times of the year, including Advent, Lent and Holy Week. Daytime and evening study groups meet regularly during the week to exlore the Bible and aspects of the Christian faith. For further details see the What's On section or contact the Minister.

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